Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Fighting the war against bad hair days...

We've all been there. We've all had those days of full out war with our hair. No matter what we threw at it - hair spray bombs, hair gel grenades, tanks of de-frizzer - Nothing seemed to work! Now imagine having one of those days when you're actually deployed in Iraq or Afghanistan without any access to trusted hair care products. As a daughter of the motherland this sounds like a nightmare. Kinky hair, curly hair, nappy hair - whatever you want to call it - needs specialized products to be tamed. Without access to these products it's just a matter of weeks before a comb won't be able to pull through. So what can we do to help these ladies?
Well, the Sister Soldier Project was created specifically to address this need. It's a website that connects companies, groups, or individuals with a sister soldier in the field. Packages filled with beauty and hair products specifically designed for women of color are sent based on your budget. Whether you know the contact information of a soldier or would just like to help, the Sister Soldier Project will ensure that bad hair days on the field do not occur. It is a great way to support our troops.
I'm sure we would love to believe that female soldiers are not that concerned with their beauty regimen while fighting wars in other countries. However, a woman is still a woman whether she is sitting at a desk or protecting the battlefield. In either position she still wants to feel beautiful. The point is, these women are fighting for the great ole U.S of A that we love. Shouldn't we show them our appreciation? And, what better way than by helping them to feel beautiful? Let's get involved!

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