About XOXO College Grad

A love of fashion combined with a love of writing mixed with the right dose of wanting to share information with friends has lead me to XoXo College Grad.

I am Ariel Jasmin Tucker. In December 2011 I graduated with a bachelor's degree in Marketing from Palm Beach Atlantic University. I'm pursuing my dream of working in the fashion industry. I'm originally from the beautiful islands of the Bahamas but now reside in Florida with plans to remain in the U.S. (preferably moving to a bigger city though).

This blog will contain all that is the ramblings of a college grad in pursuit of her passion -Fashion. It will show case designers and trends in an effort to create a more fashionable world. It will also include poetic thoughts and expressions conducive to the pitfalls and achievements along a college grads road to success.

Hope you enjoy the walk in my purple pumps... or nude biker boots... or even my very American red, white, and blue wedges!